Good day everyone, I read an article, actually a blog that has the list of complete FAKE anti virus and some spy removal tools, here's the ff:
* Ad Butcher
* AdArmor
* AdDriller
* AddwareRemover
* Addwere
* Ad-Eliminator
* AdEradicator
* AdFlusher
* Ad-Protect
* AdProtector
* Ad-Purge Adware & Spyware Remover
* ADS Adware Remover
* Ads Alert
* AdScrub
* AdStriker
* AdsZapper
* Advanced Antivirus
* Advanced Spyware Detect
* Advanced Spyware Remover
* Advanced Virus Remover
* AdvancedCleaner
* AdvancedXPDefender
* AdvancedXPFixer
* Adware & Spyware Firewall
* Adware Agent
* Adware Bazooka
* Adware Butcher
* Adware Cops
* Adware Filter
* Adware Hitman
* AdWare Pro 2009
* Adware Punisher
* Adware Remover
* Adware Remover Gold
* Adware Sheriff
* AdWare SpyWare Blocker & Removal
* Adware Striker
* Adware/Spyware Remover
* AdwareAlert
* AdwareBlaster
* AdwareBlocker
* AdwareCatch
* AdwareCatcher
* AdwareCheck
* AdwareChecker
* AdwareCleaner
* AdwareCrusher
* AdwareDelete
* AdwareDeluxe
* AdwareDestroyer
* AdwareDetect
* AdwareEradicator
* AdwareEraser
* AdwareFinder
* AdwareFlush
* AdwareFlusher
* AdwareGuard
* AdwareGuardian
* AdwareHunter
* AdwareInspector
* Adware-Nuker
* AdwarePatrol
* AdwarePolice
* AdwarePro
* AdwarePunisher
* AdwareRemover
* AdwareSafe
* AdwareSafety
* AdwareSanitizer
* AdwareScanner
* AdwareScrub
* AdwareScrubber
* AdwareSheriff
* AdwareShield
* AdwareShredder
* AdwareSpy
* AdwareSquash
* AdwareSquasher
* AdwareStopper
* AdwareStriker
* AdwareSweep
* AdwareSweeper
* AdwareTerminator
* AdwareTools
* AdwareWasher
* AdwareWatch
* AdwareWipe
* AdwareX
* AdwareX Eliminator
* AdwareZapper
* Ad-Where 2005
* Agent Spyware
* AgentSpyware
* AGuardDog Adware/Spyware Remover
* AGuardDog Suite
* AlertSpy
* AlfaCleaner
* ANG AntiVirus 09
* Anti Virus Pro
* AntieSpiaDorado
* AntieSpionsPack
* AntiGusanos2008
* AntiMalware 2009
* AntiMalwareGuard
* AntiMalwareSuite
* AntiRogue Killer (AntiRogueKiller)
* AntiSpionage
* AntiSpionagePro
* AntiSpy
* AntiSpy Advanced
* Antispy Protector 2009
* AntiSpyBoss
* AntiSpyCheck
* AntiSpyGolden
* AntiSpyGuard
* AntiSpyKit
* AntiSpyPro
* AntispySpider
* AntiSpyStorm
* AntiSpyStorm2008
* Antispyware 2008 XP (Antispyware2008XP)
* AntiSpyware 3000
* Anti-Spyware Blocker
* Antispyware Expert
* Antispyware Pro 2009
* Antispyware PRO XP
* AntiSpyware Protector
* AntiSpyware Soldier
* Antispyware Suite
* Antispyware3000
* AntiSpywareBot
* AntiSpywareControl
* AntiSpywareDeluxe
* Antispywareexpert
* AntiSpywareGuard
* AntiSpywareMaster
* AntiSpywareShield
* AntiSpywareSuite
* AntiSpywareUpdates
* AntiSpywareXP 2009
* AntiSpyZone
* AntiThiefWare
* AntiVer2008
* AntiVermeans
* AntiVermins
* AntiVerminser
* Antivir64
* AntivirDoc
* AntiVirGear
* AntiVirProtect
* Antivirus ‘09
* Antivirus 2008 PRO
* Antivirus 2008 XP (Antivirus2008XP)
* Antivirus 2009
* Antivirus 2009 Plus
* Antivirus 2010
* Antivirus 360
* Antivirus 360
* Antivirus Agent Pro
* Anti-Virus and Spyware
* Anti-Virus and Trojan
* Antivirus Email
* AntiVirus Gold
* AntiVirus Golden
* AntiVirus Lab 2009
* Antivirus Master (AV Master)
* Anti-Virus Number 1
* Antivirus Plasma
* Antivirus Plus
* Antivirus Pro 2009 AntivirusPro 2009
* Antivirus Protection
* AntiVirus Protector
* Antivirus Security
* Antivirus Sentry
* Antivirus Solution
* Antivirus System Pro
* Antivirus XP 2008 (AntivirusXP2008)
* Antivirus XP Pro
* Antivirus XP Pro 2009
* AntiVirusAdvance
* AntivirusBest
* AntivirusForAll
* AntivirusGold
* AntiVirusPCSuite
* AntivirusTrigger
* AntivirusTrigger
* AntiWorm2008
* AntiWurm2008
* AnyCleaner
* ArmorWall
* ASC-AntiSpyware
* Astrum Antivirus Pro
* AV Antispyware
* AVCare
* AVSystemCare
* Awola
* Barracuda Antivirus
* BazookaBar
* BestGuardPlatinum
* BestsellerAntivirus
* BlockDefense
* Botsquash
* BPS Security Console
* BPS Spyware & Adware Remover
* BPS Spyware Remover
* BraveSentry
* BreakSpyware
* BugDoctor
* BugsDestroyer
* CheckFlow CheckSpy & Anti Spyware 2005
* CleanerMaster
* CleanX
* CoffeeCup Spyware Remover
* Computer Defender 2009
* Consumer Identity
* ContentEraser
* Contraviro
* ContraVirus
* Copperhead AntiSpyware
* CryptDrive
* CurePcSolutions Anti-Spyware
* CyberDefender
* DataHealer
* DefenseAntiMalware
* Defenza
* Deus Cleaner
* DIARemover
* DioCleaner
* DiscErrorFree
* DisqudurProtection
* Doctor Adware
* Doctor Adware Pro
* Doctor Alex
* Doctor Antivirus 2008
* DoctorAdwarePro
* DoctorCleaner
* DoctorVaccine
* DrAntispy
* Draze Toolbar
* DriveCleaner
* DriveCleaner 2006
* DrProtection
* eAcceleration/Veloz Stop-Sign
* EAdwareKiller
* EAdwareRemoval
* EAdwareRemover
* EAntiSpyware
* eAntivirusPro
* Easy Erase Spyware Remover
* Easy SpyRemover
* Easy Spyware Killer
* Easy Spyware Scanner
* EasySprinter
* Elimiware
* Emco Malware Bouncer
* ErrClean
* Error Doctor 2008
* Error Fix (ErrorFix)
* Error Fixer
* Error Scan and Fix
* ErrorDigger
* ErrorDoctor
* ErrorInspector
* ErrorKiller
* ErrorNuker
* ErrorProtector
* ErrorSafe
* ESpywareBlocker
* ESpywareDefender
* ESpywareKiller
* ESpywareRemoval
* ESpywareRemover
* ESpywareScanner
* ETD Security Scanner
* Evidence Eliminator
* Evidence Eraser Pro
* E-Wall Antivirus
* ExpertAntivirus
* eXPress Antivirus
* eXPress Antivirus 2009
* Extra Antivir
* Extra Antivirus
* EZVideo
* Fast Antivirus 09 (FastAntivirus 09)
* FastCleaner
* FileFix
* Files Secure 2.2
* Filterprogram
* FiltroDeTrojan
* Fix Registry Errors
* Fix Tool
* FixerAntispy
* Fixiter
* Flobo Free Anti Spyware Clean
* Flobo Spyware Clean
* Free Spyware Adware Scanner and Remover
* AntiSpyware
* Froggie Scan
* FullSystemProtection
* GarbageClean
* General Antivirus
* GoldenAntiSpy
* GoodbyeSpy
* GuardBar
* GuardCenter
* Guard-X 2009
* HardDiskVakt
* HDriveSweeper
* HitSpy
* HitVirus
* Home Antivirus 2010
* HomeAntivirus 2009
* IC Spyware Scanner
* IE AntiVirus
* IE Defender
* IE-Security
* IHateAdware
* InfeStop
* Intelinet Anti-Spyware
* Intelligent Spyware Cleaner
* Internet Antivirus
* Internet Cleanup
* InternetAntiSpy
* InternetShield
* iSafe AntiVirus
* iSpyKiller
* JC Spyware Remover & Adware Killer
* KaZaaP
* Keep Your Privacy
* KeineGefahr
* KillAllSpyware
* KillAndClean
* KillSpy
* KnowHowProtection
* KVMSecureis
* LastDefender
* LiveAntispy
* LiveKill
* LiveProtect
* LiveProtection
* MacroAV
* MagicAntispy
* Malware Bell
* Malware Catcher
* Malware Defender 2009
* Malware Destructor
* Malware Doctor
* Malware Scanner
* Malware Stopper
* MalwareAlarm
* MalwareBot
* MalwareBurn
* MalwareCleaner
* MalwareCore
* MalwareDestructor
* MalwareDoc
* MalwarePatrol Pro
* MalwarePro
* MalwareProtector 2008
* MalwareScanner
* MalwareStopper
* MalwaresWipeds
* MalwareWar
* MalwareWipe
* MalwareWipe Pro
* MalwareWiped
* MalwareWiper
* Malwarrior
* MalWhere
* Max Privacy Protector
* MaxNetShield (MNS Spyware Remover & History Eraser)
* MenaceRescue
* MenaceSecure
* MicroAntivirus (Micro Antivirus 2009)
* Mr.AntiSpy
* MS Antispyware 2009
* MS Antivirus
* My Privacy
* My Supervisor
* MyBugFreePc
* MyNetProtector
* MyPCTuneUp
* MySpyFreePC
* MySPyProtector
* NadadeVirus
* Nano Antivirus
* NeoSpace
* Neospace Internet Security
* NetBrowserPro
* Netcom3 Cleaner
* NetPumper
* NetSpyProtector
* NoAdware
* Norton Security Scan
* No-Spy / Sin-Espías ** (ver nota 1)
* NoSpyX
* NoWayVirus
* Online Privacy Pro
* OnlineGuard
* OrantieSpion
* OSBOdyGuard
* Oxford Spyware Remover
* Page Cannot Be Displayed
* PAL Emergency Response
* PAL Spyware Remover
* PAntispyware09
* PC AdWare SpyWare Removal
* PC Antispyware 2010
* PC Defender 2008
* PC Error Eliminator
* PC Health Plan
* PC Protection Center 2008
* PC Security 2009
* PCAntiMalware
* Pc-Antispyware
* PCArmor
* Pc-Cleaner
* PCCleaner 2007
* pcOrion
* PCPrivacyCleaner
* PCPrivacyDefender
* PcSecureSystem
* PCSleek Error Cleaner
* PCVirusless
* Perfect Defender 2009
* PerfectCleaner
* PerformanceOptimizer
* Personal Antivirus
* Personal Defender 2009
* PestBot
* PestCapture
* Pest-Patrol
* PestProtector
* PestSweeper
* PestTrap
* PestWiper
* PornoPlayer
* Power Antivirus 2009
* Privacy Center
* Privacy Champion
* Privacy Commander
* Privacy Components
* Privacy Crusader
* Privacy Defender
* Privacy Fusion
* Privacy Keeper
* Privacy Protection Suite
* Privacy Redeemer
* Privacy Tools 2004
* Privacy Tools Pack
* PrivacyCrusader
* PrivacyGuardPro
* PrivacyProtector
* PrivacyRedeemer
* PrivacyWatcher
* Pro Antispyware 2009
* ProAntiSpy
* Protect Your Identity
* ProtectingTool
* Protection System
* PSGuard
* PureSafetyHere
* PurityScan / PuritySweep
* PyroAntiSpy 2.2
* QuickCleaner
* Rapid Antivirus 2009
* RapidAntivirus
* RaptorDefence
* RazeSpyware
* Real AdWareRemoverGold
* Real AntiSpyware
* Real Antivirus
* Real Antivirus
* RealAV
* RebrandSoft AdwareSpyware Remover
* RegFix Pro
* RegFreeze
* Registry Cleaner
* Registry Defender Platinum
* Registry Doc 2006
* Registry Doctor
* Registry Doctor 2008
* Registry Fix It
* Registry Optimizer 2007
* Registry Repair 2006
* RegistryCare
* RegistryCleanerXP
* RegistryCleanFixer
* RegistryFox
* RegTool
* RemedyAntiSpy
* RemoveIT Pro
* Renus 2008
* RescateDeAmenazas
* Restore My Files
* Safe & Clean (Scan & Clean)
* SafeAndClean
* Safeguard 2009
* SafePcTool
* SaferScan
* SafeStrip
* SafetyCenter
* SafeWebSurfer
* SamuraiSpy
* SaveDefense
* SaveKeep
* SaveSoldier
* Scan & Repair Utilities 2006
* Scan and Repair Utilities 2007
* ScanSpyware
* Scumware-Remover
* SearchAndDestroy
* Secret Service
* Secure Expert Cleaner
* SecureMyPC
* Security 2009
* Security Central
* Security iGuard
* Security Mechanic
* Security Scanner 2008
* SiteTicket
* SlimShield
* Smart Antivirus 2009 (SmartAntivirus2009)
* Smart Defender Pro
* Smart Protector
* Smart Virus Eliminator
* SmartSecurity
* Smitfraud
* SmitfraudFixTool
* SpamBlockerUtility
* SpamBlockerUtility
* SpwareRemoval
* SpwareRemover
* Spy Analyst
* Spy Annihilator
* Spy Cleaner Platinum
* Spy Crusher
* Spy Defence
* Spy Detector
* Spy Emergency 2005
* Spy Guardian Pro
* Spy iBlock
* Spy Officer
* Spy Reaper
* Spy Shredder
* Spy Sniper
* Spy Sniper Pro
* Spy Sniper Pro
* Spy Stalker
* Spy-Ad Exterminator Pro
* SpyAdvanced
* SpyAssassin
* SpyAssault
* SpyAway
* SpyAxe
* SpyBan
* SpyBeware
* SpyBlast
* Spy-Block
* SpyBlocs/
* SpyBouncer
* SpyBurn
* SpyBuster
* SpyButcher
* SpyClean
* SpyCleaner
* SpyContra
* Spy-Control
* SpyCrush
* SpyCut
* SpyDawn
* SpyDeface
* SpyDeleter
* SpyDemolisher
* SpyDestroy Pro
* SpyDevastator
* SpyDoctor
* SpyEliminator
* SpyFalcon
* SpyFerret
* SpyFighter
* SpyFighterPro
* SpyFirewall
* SpyFlusher
* SpyGuarder
* SpyGuardian Pro
* SpyHazard
* SpyHeal
* SpyHunter
* SpyiBlock
* SpyiKiller
* Spyinator
* Spy-Kill
* SpyKiller
* SpyKiller 2005
* SpyKillerPro
* SpyLax
* SpyLocked
* SpyMarshal
* SpyMaxx
* SpyNoMore
* SpyOfficer
* SpyOnThis
* SpyOnThis
* Spy-Out
* SpyProtector Spy Protector
* SpyPry
* SpyReaper
* SpyRemover
* Spy-Rid
* SpySanitizer
* SpySheriff
* SpyShield
* Spy-SHield
* SpyShredder
* SpySnipe
* SpySoap
* SpySoldier
* SpySpotter
* SpySquash
* SpyStriker
* SpyToaster
* SpyTrooper
* SpyVampire
* SpyVest
* SpyViper
* Spyware & Adware Removal
* Spyware & Pest Remover
* Spyware & Pop-Up Utility
* Spyware Annihilator
* Spyware Annihilator Pro
* Spyware B1aster
* Spyware Bomber
* Spyware C.O.P.
* Spyware Catch
* Spyware Cleaner
* Spyware Cleaner & Pop-Up Blocker
* Spyware Cops
* Spyware Defense
* Spyware Destroyer
* Spyware Detector
* Spyware Disinfector
* Spyware Fighter
* Spyware Guard 2008
* Spyware Guard 2009
* Spyware Hospital
* Spyware Immobilizer
* Spyware IT
* SpyWare Killer
* Spyware Knight
* Spyware Medic
* Spyware Nuker
* Spyware Nuker XT
* Spyware Protect 2009
* Spyware Protection Pro
* Spyware Quake
* Spyware Removal Wizard
* Spyware Remover (
* Spyware Remover (SpyAdvanced)
* Spyware Scrapper
* SpyWare Secure
* Spyware Seizer
* Spyware Sheriff
* Spyware Shield
* Spyware Slayer
* Spyware Sledgehammer
* Spyware Snooper
* Spyware Soft Stop
* Spyware Stormer
* Spyware Striker Pro
* Spyware Suite 2005
* Spyware Terminator 4 (de
* Spyware Vanisher
* Spyware Wizard
* SpywareAnnihilatorPro
* SpywareAssassin
* SpywareAvenger
* SpywareBeGone
* SpywareBomb
* SpywareBot
* SpywareButcher
* SpywareCleaner
* SpywareCrusher
* SpywareDetector
* SpywareFlusher
* SpywareHeal
* SpywareHound
* SpywareIsolator
* SpywareKill
* SpywareKilla
* SpywareKnight
* SpywareLocked
* SpywareLocker
* SpywareNo!
* SpywarePolice
* SpywarePro
* SPYwareRemover
* SpywareRemover 2009
* SpywareScanner 2008
* SpywareScrub
* Spyware-Secure
* SpywareSeeker
* SpywareShield
* SpywareSoftStop
* SpywareSquash
* SpywareSterilizer
* SpywareStop
* Spyware-Stop
* SpywareStrike
* Spyware-Sweeper
* SpywareSweeperPro
* SpywareTek / Spyware Removal System
* SpywareThis
* SpywareWipe
* SpywareXP
* SpywareZapper
* SpyWatchE
* SpyWiper
* Spyzooka
* StartGuard
* StopGuard
* StopingSpy
* StopItBlockIt 2005
* StorageProtector
* SunShine Spy
* SunShineSpy
* Super Spyware Remover
* SuperSpywareKiller
* SwiftCleaner
* SysAntivirus 2009
* SysKontroller
* SysProtect
* System Antivirus 2008
* System Detective
* System doctor
* System Guard 2009
* System Guard Center
* System Live Protect
* System Protector
* System Security 2009
* System Tuner
* SystemBooster2009
* SystemDefender
* SystemDoctor
* SystemErrorFixer
* SystemSecurity
* SystemStable
* TeoSoft Anti-Spyware
* Terminator 2009
* Terminexor
* The Adware Hunter
* The SpyGuard
* The Spyware Detective
* The Spyware Shield
* The Ultimate Spyware Adware Remover
* The Web Shield
* TheSpyBot
* TheSpywareKiller
* Titan AntiSpyware
* TitanShield AntiSpyware
* Top10Reviews SpyScan
* Total Defender
* Total Protect 2009
* Total Secure2009
* Total Security
* Total Virus Protection
* Trace Sweeper (TraceSweeper)
* Trojan Guarder Gold
* TrojanerFilter
* TrojansFilter
* TrojansFiltre
* TrojansKiller
* True Sword
* TrueWatch
* Trust Cleaner
* TrustedAntivirus
* TrustedProtection
* TrustNinja
* TrustSoft AntiSpyware
* TZ Spyware Adware Remover
* TZ Spyware Remover
* UControl
* Ultimate Antivirus 2008
* Ultimate Cleaner
* Ultimate Defender
* Ultimate Fixer
* UltimateCleaner
* UltimateCleaner 2007
* Ultimatefixer2007
* Ultimate-Spyware Adware Remover
* Ultra Antivir 2009
* Ultra Antivirus 2009
* Unigray
* UnSpyPC
* Unvirex
* VBouncer/AdDestroyer
* Vip Antispyware
* VIPAntiSpyware
* Virus Doctor
* Virus Remover Professional
* Virus Shield
* Virus Sweeper
* VirusAlarma
* VirusBlast
* VirusBlaster
* VirusBlasters
* VirusBurst
* VirusBursters
* VirusEffaceur
* VirusGuard
* VirusHeal
* Virus-Kill
* VirusLocker
* VirusMelt
* VirusProtect
* VirusProtectPro 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 3.7
* VirusRanger
* VirusRay
* VirusRemover 2009
* VirusRescue
* VirusResponse Lab 2009
* Virusschlacht
* VirusTrigger
* Vista Antivirus 2008 (VistaAntivirus 2008)
* Vitae Antivirus
* WareOut Spyware Remover
* WebSafe Spyware Secure
* WebSpyShield
* Win Antivir 2008 (WinAntivir 2008)
* WinAntiSpyware 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
* WinAntispyware 2008
* WinAntivirus 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
* WinAntiVirus Pro 2006
* Winantivirus pro 2007
* WinAntivirusVista-XP
* WinBlueSoft
* WinCleaner 2009
* Wincleaner AntiSpyware
* WinDefender 2009
* Windows AntiVirus (Windows AntiVirus 2008)
* Windows Antivirus Pro
* Windows Protection Suite
* Windows Security Suite
* Windows System Suite
* WinFix Master
* WinFixer
* WinFixer 2005
* WinFixMaster / WinFix Master
* Winhound Spyware Remover
* WiniBlueSoft
* WiniFighter
* WiniGuard
* WiniShield
* Winkeeper
* WinPC Antivirus
* WinPC Defender
* WinPerformance
* WinProtector 3.8 (Win Protector 3.8)
* Winreanimator
* winsecureav
* WinSecureAv
* WinSecureDisc
* WinSOS
* WinSpyControl
* WinSpyKiller
* WinSpywareProtect
* Winweb Security
* WinX Security Center 2.2
* WinXDefender
* Winxprotector
* WorldAntiSpy
* X-Con Spyware Destroyer
* Xmembytes AntiSpyware
* XP Antispyware 2009
* XP Antivirus (XP Antivirus 2008)
* XP Deluxe Protector
* XP Police Antivirus
* XP Protector 2009
* XPAntivirus
* XpCleanerPro
* XpCleanerPro
* XPert Antivirus
* XP-Shield
* XpyBurner
* Xspyware
* X-Spyware
* XSRemover
* XXXAccess
* YourPrivacyGuard
* ZeroSpyware
* Zinaps Anti-Spyware
* ZoneProtect AntiSpyware
* Ad Butcher
* AdArmor
* AdDriller
* AddwareRemover
* Addwere
* Ad-Eliminator
* AdEradicator
* AdFlusher
* Ad-Protect
* AdProtector
* Ad-Purge Adware & Spyware Remover
* ADS Adware Remover
* Ads Alert
* AdScrub
* AdStriker
* AdsZapper
* Advanced Antivirus
* Advanced Spyware Detect
* Advanced Spyware Remover
* Advanced Virus Remover
* AdvancedCleaner
* AdvancedXPDefender
* AdvancedXPFixer
* Adware & Spyware Firewall
* Adware Agent
* Adware Bazooka
* Adware Butcher
* Adware Cops
* Adware Filter
* Adware Hitman
* AdWare Pro 2009
* Adware Punisher
* Adware Remover
* Adware Remover Gold
* Adware Sheriff
* AdWare SpyWare Blocker & Removal
* Adware Striker
* Adware/Spyware Remover
* AdwareAlert
* AdwareBlaster
* AdwareBlocker
* AdwareCatch
* AdwareCatcher
* AdwareCheck
* AdwareChecker
* AdwareCleaner
* AdwareCrusher
* AdwareDelete
* AdwareDeluxe
* AdwareDestroyer
* AdwareDetect
* AdwareEradicator
* AdwareEraser
* AdwareFinder
* AdwareFlush
* AdwareFlusher
* AdwareGuard
* AdwareGuardian
* AdwareHunter
* AdwareInspector
* Adware-Nuker
* AdwarePatrol
* AdwarePolice
* AdwarePro
* AdwarePunisher
* AdwareRemover
* AdwareSafe
* AdwareSafety
* AdwareSanitizer
* AdwareScanner
* AdwareScrub
* AdwareScrubber
* AdwareSheriff
* AdwareShield
* AdwareShredder
* AdwareSpy
* AdwareSquash
* AdwareSquasher
* AdwareStopper
* AdwareStriker
* AdwareSweep
* AdwareSweeper
* AdwareTerminator
* AdwareTools
* AdwareWasher
* AdwareWatch
* AdwareWipe
* AdwareX
* AdwareX Eliminator
* AdwareZapper
* Ad-Where 2005
* Agent Spyware
* AgentSpyware
* AGuardDog Adware/Spyware Remover
* AGuardDog Suite
* AlertSpy
* AlfaCleaner
* ANG AntiVirus 09
* Anti Virus Pro
* AntieSpiaDorado
* AntieSpionsPack
* AntiGusanos2008
* AntiMalware 2009
* AntiMalwareGuard
* AntiMalwareSuite
* AntiRogue Killer (AntiRogueKiller)
* AntiSpionage
* AntiSpionagePro
* AntiSpy
* AntiSpy Advanced
* Antispy Protector 2009
* AntiSpyBoss
* AntiSpyCheck
* AntiSpyGolden
* AntiSpyGuard
* AntiSpyKit
* AntiSpyPro
* AntispySpider
* AntiSpyStorm
* AntiSpyStorm2008
* Antispyware 2008 XP (Antispyware2008XP)
* AntiSpyware 3000
* Anti-Spyware Blocker
* Antispyware Expert
* Antispyware Pro 2009
* Antispyware PRO XP
* AntiSpyware Protector
* AntiSpyware Soldier
* Antispyware Suite
* Antispyware3000
* AntiSpywareBot
* AntiSpywareControl
* AntiSpywareDeluxe
* Antispywareexpert
* AntiSpywareGuard
* AntiSpywareMaster
* AntiSpywareShield
* AntiSpywareSuite
* AntiSpywareUpdates
* AntiSpywareXP 2009
* AntiSpyZone
* AntiThiefWare
* AntiVer2008
* AntiVermeans
* AntiVermins
* AntiVerminser
* Antivir64
* AntivirDoc
* AntiVirGear
* AntiVirProtect
* Antivirus ‘09
* Antivirus 2008 PRO
* Antivirus 2008 XP (Antivirus2008XP)
* Antivirus 2009
* Antivirus 2009 Plus
* Antivirus 2010
* Antivirus 360
* Antivirus 360
* Antivirus Agent Pro
* Anti-Virus and Spyware
* Anti-Virus and Trojan
* Antivirus Email
* AntiVirus Gold
* AntiVirus Golden
* AntiVirus Lab 2009
* Antivirus Master (AV Master)
* Anti-Virus Number 1
* Antivirus Plasma
* Antivirus Plus
* Antivirus Pro 2009 AntivirusPro 2009
* Antivirus Protection
* AntiVirus Protector
* Antivirus Security
* Antivirus Sentry
* Antivirus Solution
* Antivirus System Pro
* Antivirus XP 2008 (AntivirusXP2008)
* Antivirus XP Pro
* Antivirus XP Pro 2009
* AntiVirusAdvance
* AntivirusBest
* AntivirusForAll
* AntivirusGold
* AntiVirusPCSuite
* AntivirusTrigger
* AntivirusTrigger
* AntiWorm2008
* AntiWurm2008
* AnyCleaner
* ArmorWall
* ASC-AntiSpyware
* Astrum Antivirus Pro
* AV Antispyware
* AVCare
* AVSystemCare
* Awola
* Barracuda Antivirus
* BazookaBar
* BestGuardPlatinum
* BestsellerAntivirus
* BlockDefense
* Botsquash
* BPS Security Console
* BPS Spyware & Adware Remover
* BPS Spyware Remover
* BraveSentry
* BreakSpyware
* BugDoctor
* BugsDestroyer
* CheckFlow CheckSpy & Anti Spyware 2005
* CleanerMaster
* CleanX
* CoffeeCup Spyware Remover
* Computer Defender 2009
* Consumer Identity
* ContentEraser
* Contraviro
* ContraVirus
* Copperhead AntiSpyware
* CryptDrive
* CurePcSolutions Anti-Spyware
* CyberDefender
* DataHealer
* DefenseAntiMalware
* Defenza
* Deus Cleaner
* DIARemover
* DioCleaner
* DiscErrorFree
* DisqudurProtection
* Doctor Adware
* Doctor Adware Pro
* Doctor Alex
* Doctor Antivirus 2008
* DoctorAdwarePro
* DoctorCleaner
* DoctorVaccine
* DrAntispy
* Draze Toolbar
* DriveCleaner
* DriveCleaner 2006
* DrProtection
* eAcceleration/Veloz Stop-Sign
* EAdwareKiller
* EAdwareRemoval
* EAdwareRemover
* EAntiSpyware
* eAntivirusPro
* Easy Erase Spyware Remover
* Easy SpyRemover
* Easy Spyware Killer
* Easy Spyware Scanner
* EasySprinter
* Elimiware
* Emco Malware Bouncer
* ErrClean
* Error Doctor 2008
* Error Fix (ErrorFix)
* Error Fixer
* Error Scan and Fix
* ErrorDigger
* ErrorDoctor
* ErrorInspector
* ErrorKiller
* ErrorNuker
* ErrorProtector
* ErrorSafe
* ESpywareBlocker
* ESpywareDefender
* ESpywareKiller
* ESpywareRemoval
* ESpywareRemover
* ESpywareScanner
* ETD Security Scanner
* Evidence Eliminator
* Evidence Eraser Pro
* E-Wall Antivirus
* ExpertAntivirus
* eXPress Antivirus
* eXPress Antivirus 2009
* Extra Antivir
* Extra Antivirus
* EZVideo
* Fast Antivirus 09 (FastAntivirus 09)
* FastCleaner
* FileFix
* Files Secure 2.2
* Filterprogram
* FiltroDeTrojan
* Fix Registry Errors
* Fix Tool
* FixerAntispy
* Fixiter
* Flobo Free Anti Spyware Clean
* Flobo Spyware Clean
* Free Spyware Adware Scanner and Remover
* AntiSpyware
* Froggie Scan
* FullSystemProtection
* GarbageClean
* General Antivirus
* GoldenAntiSpy
* GoodbyeSpy
* GuardBar
* GuardCenter
* Guard-X 2009
* HardDiskVakt
* HDriveSweeper
* HitSpy
* HitVirus
* Home Antivirus 2010
* HomeAntivirus 2009
* IC Spyware Scanner
* IE AntiVirus
* IE Defender
* IE-Security
* IHateAdware
* InfeStop
* Intelinet Anti-Spyware
* Intelligent Spyware Cleaner
* Internet Antivirus
* Internet Cleanup
* InternetAntiSpy
* InternetShield
* iSafe AntiVirus
* iSpyKiller
* JC Spyware Remover & Adware Killer
* KaZaaP
* Keep Your Privacy
* KeineGefahr
* KillAllSpyware
* KillAndClean
* KillSpy
* KnowHowProtection
* KVMSecureis
* LastDefender
* LiveAntispy
* LiveKill
* LiveProtect
* LiveProtection
* MacroAV
* MagicAntispy
* Malware Bell
* Malware Catcher
* Malware Defender 2009
* Malware Destructor
* Malware Doctor
* Malware Scanner
* Malware Stopper
* MalwareAlarm
* MalwareBot
* MalwareBurn
* MalwareCleaner
* MalwareCore
* MalwareDestructor
* MalwareDoc
* MalwarePatrol Pro
* MalwarePro
* MalwareProtector 2008
* MalwareScanner
* MalwareStopper
* MalwaresWipeds
* MalwareWar
* MalwareWipe
* MalwareWipe Pro
* MalwareWiped
* MalwareWiper
* Malwarrior
* MalWhere
* Max Privacy Protector
* MaxNetShield (MNS Spyware Remover & History Eraser)
* MenaceRescue
* MenaceSecure
* MicroAntivirus (Micro Antivirus 2009)
* Mr.AntiSpy
* MS Antispyware 2009
* MS Antivirus
* My Privacy
* My Supervisor
* MyBugFreePc
* MyNetProtector
* MyPCTuneUp
* MySpyFreePC
* MySPyProtector
* NadadeVirus
* Nano Antivirus
* NeoSpace
* Neospace Internet Security
* NetBrowserPro
* Netcom3 Cleaner
* NetPumper
* NetSpyProtector
* NoAdware
* Norton Security Scan
* No-Spy / Sin-Espías ** (ver nota 1)
* NoSpyX
* NoWayVirus
* Online Privacy Pro
* OnlineGuard
* OrantieSpion
* OSBOdyGuard
* Oxford Spyware Remover
* Page Cannot Be Displayed
* PAL Emergency Response
* PAL Spyware Remover
* PAntispyware09
* PC AdWare SpyWare Removal
* PC Antispyware 2010
* PC Defender 2008
* PC Error Eliminator
* PC Health Plan
* PC Protection Center 2008
* PC Security 2009
* PCAntiMalware
* Pc-Antispyware
* PCArmor
* Pc-Cleaner
* PCCleaner 2007
* pcOrion
* PCPrivacyCleaner
* PCPrivacyDefender
* PcSecureSystem
* PCSleek Error Cleaner
* PCVirusless
* Perfect Defender 2009
* PerfectCleaner
* PerformanceOptimizer
* Personal Antivirus
* Personal Defender 2009
* PestBot
* PestCapture
* Pest-Patrol
* PestProtector
* PestSweeper
* PestTrap
* PestWiper
* PornoPlayer
* Power Antivirus 2009
* Privacy Center
* Privacy Champion
* Privacy Commander
* Privacy Components
* Privacy Crusader
* Privacy Defender
* Privacy Fusion
* Privacy Keeper
* Privacy Protection Suite
* Privacy Redeemer
* Privacy Tools 2004
* Privacy Tools Pack
* PrivacyCrusader
* PrivacyGuardPro
* PrivacyProtector
* PrivacyRedeemer
* PrivacyWatcher
* Pro Antispyware 2009
* ProAntiSpy
* Protect Your Identity
* ProtectingTool
* Protection System
* PSGuard
* PureSafetyHere
* PurityScan / PuritySweep
* PyroAntiSpy 2.2
* QuickCleaner
* Rapid Antivirus 2009
* RapidAntivirus
* RaptorDefence
* RazeSpyware
* Real AdWareRemoverGold
* Real AntiSpyware
* Real Antivirus
* Real Antivirus
* RealAV
* RebrandSoft AdwareSpyware Remover
* RegFix Pro
* RegFreeze
* Registry Cleaner
* Registry Defender Platinum
* Registry Doc 2006
* Registry Doctor
* Registry Doctor 2008
* Registry Fix It
* Registry Optimizer 2007
* Registry Repair 2006
* RegistryCare
* RegistryCleanerXP
* RegistryCleanFixer
* RegistryFox
* RegTool
* RemedyAntiSpy
* RemoveIT Pro
* Renus 2008
* RescateDeAmenazas
* Restore My Files
* Safe & Clean (Scan & Clean)
* SafeAndClean
* Safeguard 2009
* SafePcTool
* SaferScan
* SafeStrip
* SafetyCenter
* SafeWebSurfer
* SamuraiSpy
* SaveDefense
* SaveKeep
* SaveSoldier
* Scan & Repair Utilities 2006
* Scan and Repair Utilities 2007
* ScanSpyware
* Scumware-Remover
* SearchAndDestroy
* Secret Service
* Secure Expert Cleaner
* SecureMyPC
* Security 2009
* Security Central
* Security iGuard
* Security Mechanic
* Security Scanner 2008
* SiteTicket
* SlimShield
* Smart Antivirus 2009 (SmartAntivirus2009)
* Smart Defender Pro
* Smart Protector
* Smart Virus Eliminator
* SmartSecurity
* Smitfraud
* SmitfraudFixTool
* SpamBlockerUtility
* SpamBlockerUtility
* SpwareRemoval
* SpwareRemover
* Spy Analyst
* Spy Annihilator
* Spy Cleaner Platinum
* Spy Crusher
* Spy Defence
* Spy Detector
* Spy Emergency 2005
* Spy Guardian Pro
* Spy iBlock
* Spy Officer
* Spy Reaper
* Spy Shredder
* Spy Sniper
* Spy Sniper Pro
* Spy Sniper Pro
* Spy Stalker
* Spy-Ad Exterminator Pro
* SpyAdvanced
* SpyAssassin
* SpyAssault
* SpyAway
* SpyAxe
* SpyBan
* SpyBeware
* SpyBlast
* Spy-Block
* SpyBlocs/
* SpyBouncer
* SpyBurn
* SpyBuster
* SpyButcher
* SpyClean
* SpyCleaner
* SpyContra
* Spy-Control
* SpyCrush
* SpyCut
* SpyDawn
* SpyDeface
* SpyDeleter
* SpyDemolisher
* SpyDestroy Pro
* SpyDevastator
* SpyDoctor
* SpyEliminator
* SpyFalcon
* SpyFerret
* SpyFighter
* SpyFighterPro
* SpyFirewall
* SpyFlusher
* SpyGuarder
* SpyGuardian Pro
* SpyHazard
* SpyHeal
* SpyHunter
* SpyiBlock
* SpyiKiller
* Spyinator
* Spy-Kill
* SpyKiller
* SpyKiller 2005
* SpyKillerPro
* SpyLax
* SpyLocked
* SpyMarshal
* SpyMaxx
* SpyNoMore
* SpyOfficer
* SpyOnThis
* SpyOnThis
* Spy-Out
* SpyProtector Spy Protector
* SpyPry
* SpyReaper
* SpyRemover
* Spy-Rid
* SpySanitizer
* SpySheriff
* SpyShield
* Spy-SHield
* SpyShredder
* SpySnipe
* SpySoap
* SpySoldier
* SpySpotter
* SpySquash
* SpyStriker
* SpyToaster
* SpyTrooper
* SpyVampire
* SpyVest
* SpyViper
* Spyware & Adware Removal
* Spyware & Pest Remover
* Spyware & Pop-Up Utility
* Spyware Annihilator
* Spyware Annihilator Pro
* Spyware B1aster
* Spyware Bomber
* Spyware C.O.P.
* Spyware Catch
* Spyware Cleaner
* Spyware Cleaner & Pop-Up Blocker
* Spyware Cops
* Spyware Defense
* Spyware Destroyer
* Spyware Detector
* Spyware Disinfector
* Spyware Fighter
* Spyware Guard 2008
* Spyware Guard 2009
* Spyware Hospital
* Spyware Immobilizer
* Spyware IT
* SpyWare Killer
* Spyware Knight
* Spyware Medic
* Spyware Nuker
* Spyware Nuker XT
* Spyware Protect 2009
* Spyware Protection Pro
* Spyware Quake
* Spyware Removal Wizard
* Spyware Remover (
* Spyware Remover (SpyAdvanced)
* Spyware Scrapper
* SpyWare Secure
* Spyware Seizer
* Spyware Sheriff
* Spyware Shield
* Spyware Slayer
* Spyware Sledgehammer
* Spyware Snooper
* Spyware Soft Stop
* Spyware Stormer
* Spyware Striker Pro
* Spyware Suite 2005
* Spyware Terminator 4 (de
* Spyware Vanisher
* Spyware Wizard
* SpywareAnnihilatorPro
* SpywareAssassin
* SpywareAvenger
* SpywareBeGone
* SpywareBomb
* SpywareBot
* SpywareButcher
* SpywareCleaner
* SpywareCrusher
* SpywareDetector
* SpywareFlusher
* SpywareHeal
* SpywareHound
* SpywareIsolator
* SpywareKill
* SpywareKilla
* SpywareKnight
* SpywareLocked
* SpywareLocker
* SpywareNo!
* SpywarePolice
* SpywarePro
* SPYwareRemover
* SpywareRemover 2009
* SpywareScanner 2008
* SpywareScrub
* Spyware-Secure
* SpywareSeeker
* SpywareShield
* SpywareSoftStop
* SpywareSquash
* SpywareSterilizer
* SpywareStop
* Spyware-Stop
* SpywareStrike
* Spyware-Sweeper
* SpywareSweeperPro
* SpywareTek / Spyware Removal System
* SpywareThis
* SpywareWipe
* SpywareXP
* SpywareZapper
* SpyWatchE
* SpyWiper
* Spyzooka
* StartGuard
* StopGuard
* StopingSpy
* StopItBlockIt 2005
* StorageProtector
* SunShine Spy
* SunShineSpy
* Super Spyware Remover
* SuperSpywareKiller
* SwiftCleaner
* SysAntivirus 2009
* SysKontroller
* SysProtect
* System Antivirus 2008
* System Detective
* System doctor
* System Guard 2009
* System Guard Center
* System Live Protect
* System Protector
* System Security 2009
* System Tuner
* SystemBooster2009
* SystemDefender
* SystemDoctor
* SystemErrorFixer
* SystemSecurity
* SystemStable
* TeoSoft Anti-Spyware
* Terminator 2009
* Terminexor
* The Adware Hunter
* The SpyGuard
* The Spyware Detective
* The Spyware Shield
* The Ultimate Spyware Adware Remover
* The Web Shield
* TheSpyBot
* TheSpywareKiller
* Titan AntiSpyware
* TitanShield AntiSpyware
* Top10Reviews SpyScan
* Total Defender
* Total Protect 2009
* Total Secure2009
* Total Security
* Total Virus Protection
* Trace Sweeper (TraceSweeper)
* Trojan Guarder Gold
* TrojanerFilter
* TrojansFilter
* TrojansFiltre
* TrojansKiller
* True Sword
* TrueWatch
* Trust Cleaner
* TrustedAntivirus
* TrustedProtection
* TrustNinja
* TrustSoft AntiSpyware
* TZ Spyware Adware Remover
* TZ Spyware Remover
* UControl
* Ultimate Antivirus 2008
* Ultimate Cleaner
* Ultimate Defender
* Ultimate Fixer
* UltimateCleaner
* UltimateCleaner 2007
* Ultimatefixer2007
* Ultimate-Spyware Adware Remover
* Ultra Antivir 2009
* Ultra Antivirus 2009
* Unigray
* UnSpyPC
* Unvirex
* VBouncer/AdDestroyer
* Vip Antispyware
* VIPAntiSpyware
* Virus Doctor
* Virus Remover Professional
* Virus Shield
* Virus Sweeper
* VirusAlarma
* VirusBlast
* VirusBlaster
* VirusBlasters
* VirusBurst
* VirusBursters
* VirusEffaceur
* VirusGuard
* VirusHeal
* Virus-Kill
* VirusLocker
* VirusMelt
* VirusProtect
* VirusProtectPro 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 3.7
* VirusRanger
* VirusRay
* VirusRemover 2009
* VirusRescue
* VirusResponse Lab 2009
* Virusschlacht
* VirusTrigger
* Vista Antivirus 2008 (VistaAntivirus 2008)
* Vitae Antivirus
* WareOut Spyware Remover
* WebSafe Spyware Secure
* WebSpyShield
* Win Antivir 2008 (WinAntivir 2008)
* WinAntiSpyware 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
* WinAntispyware 2008
* WinAntivirus 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
* WinAntiVirus Pro 2006
* Winantivirus pro 2007
* WinAntivirusVista-XP
* WinBlueSoft
* WinCleaner 2009
* Wincleaner AntiSpyware
* WinDefender 2009
* Windows AntiVirus (Windows AntiVirus 2008)
* Windows Antivirus Pro
* Windows Protection Suite
* Windows Security Suite
* Windows System Suite
* WinFix Master
* WinFixer
* WinFixer 2005
* WinFixMaster / WinFix Master
* Winhound Spyware Remover
* WiniBlueSoft
* WiniFighter
* WiniGuard
* WiniShield
* Winkeeper
* WinPC Antivirus
* WinPC Defender
* WinPerformance
* WinProtector 3.8 (Win Protector 3.8)
* Winreanimator
* winsecureav
* WinSecureAv
* WinSecureDisc
* WinSOS
* WinSpyControl
* WinSpyKiller
* WinSpywareProtect
* Winweb Security
* WinX Security Center 2.2
* WinXDefender
* Winxprotector
* WorldAntiSpy
* X-Con Spyware Destroyer
* Xmembytes AntiSpyware
* XP Antispyware 2009
* XP Antivirus (XP Antivirus 2008)
* XP Deluxe Protector
* XP Police Antivirus
* XP Protector 2009
* XPAntivirus
* XpCleanerPro
* XpCleanerPro
* XPert Antivirus
* XP-Shield
* XpyBurner
* Xspyware
* X-Spyware
* XSRemover
* XXXAccess
* YourPrivacyGuard
* ZeroSpyware
* Zinaps Anti-Spyware
* ZoneProtect AntiSpyware