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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

3 Ways To Boost Your Affiliate Marketing Sales

Affiliate marketing is a type of business where a merchant meets a publisher to advertise or promote their products or services on their website using special links, banners. The aim is to get customers to view these promotions and click on them, thus leading them to the page where they make their purchase from the merchant.
Everyone stresses that to boost your affiliate marketing sales, you need to get more traffic. Driving traffic to your website is all good and fine, but that is not the only way to boost your affiliate marketing sales. You can use your existing customers to increase your sales, and this may be even easier than trying to get new customers. By improving your customers’ loyalty to you, you increase your chances of boosting your affiliate marketing sales with huge profits.
When your existing customers trust you, you even stand to get more traffic from them. In the end, you aren’t the one getting more traffic to your website: your customers are doing that for you. Before you start working out how to get more traffic to increase your affiliate marketing sales, you should consider other ways to boost your sales, such as offering bonuses through your links, creating a sales funnel, and getting prospective customers to trust you before making a pitch to them.

Offer Bonuses For Purchasing Via Your Affiliate Links

Get Traffic As an affiliate marketer, you usually get affiliate links with unique codes from the merchant whose products or services you are promoting. When you get customers to click on those links, they are redirected from your website to the merchant’s website to complete the sale. The code in your link lets the merchant know that the sale was made from that particular link of yours, getting you a percentage of the sale.

To thank customers for doing business with you, or to encourage them to keep doing business with you, you can offer them bonuses for purchasing items using your affiliate links. Let them know that making certain purchases via certain links will earn them bonuses.

This will keep the customers with you because the bonuses show that you appreciate them and the business they bring you. This will also mean more sales for you, which then shows that you have effectively boosted your affiliate marketing sales, and all without getting new customers to purchase from you.

Create a Sales Funnel
  Sales funnel is a strategy that you, as an affiliate marketer, create to get prospective customers from the stage of being aware of your product or service to getting interested in what you are promoting, and then making a sale. To create your sales funnel, you need to think in terms of from big to small, just as a funnel is shaped.

    You should start with a high-priced product or service that you know will not get a lot of customers. Since knowing this, keep gathering lower-priced products that can get you more customers, and promote them on your website.
    Your website or your blog is your means of reaching out to customers online. Write interesting articles on your blog, and use social media to promote your site, promotions and offers.
    Use opt-in forms to get interested visitors to give you their email addresses. Send them emails at intervals about promotions and offers and links to certain items they may be interested in.

Make the sale, selling them the least-priced products available. Now that you have them, you can increase the prices. This is how you create a sales funnel. Most important of all, however: you must know your product, and you must know your customers. Knowing your customers makes it easier to sell to them, and this will boost your affiliate marketing sales. 

Always Build Trust Before Making The Pitch
Your customers need to trust you before you try to sell them anything. This is what keeps customers loyal, and loyal customers help to boost your affiliate marketing sales. How can you get your customers to trust you before making a pitch to them?

  • Know What You Are Selling
You need to be an expert on what product you are promoting. It has to be something in your niche, and something you understand well. Being an expert in your field makes you more confident, and puts you in a great position to convince customers to buy from you.

  • Know Who Your Customer Is
 You have to know who you are promoting that product or service to. Some affiliate marketers make the mistake of not knowing who their target buyers are, and end up pitching the wrong product or service to the wrong audience. Knowing who your customer is is an invaluable asset to your affiliate marketing business.

  • Ask Questions And Pay Attention To Answers
Get to know your customers. Ask them questions related to what they need, and pay close attention to their answers. What the customers say gives you more insight into how better you can serve their need, and lets you read between the lines, allowing you to anticipate their yet unstated needs and meet them appropriately.  

  • Don’t Criticise The Competition
Do not say anything bad about the competition to your customers. Rather, make them understand why they should buy from you, and not the competition. If possible, refer your customers to the competition if you feel their needs will be better met when they buy from them. This makes the customer see you as honest and friendly, and leave them wanting to do more business with you.  

  • Be Honest and Helpful
Always be honest with your customers and try to be as helpful as possible. A satisfied customer is a loyal customer, and they will even refer people to your website and consequently, increasing your affiliate marketing sales.  

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