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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Starting Ads with Facebook

Understanding how to leverage Facebook Ads is becoming a staple part of almost every social media strategy. And if you want to get your posts seen on Facebook, it’s becoming more and more likely that you’ll have to pay for reach with Facebook Ads.

Paid advertising on Facebook seems to be one of
 the most immediate ways to impact the reach of your content. Though it’s not without its questions. How well does it work? What kind of engagement do you get?

And what can you expect for your hard-earned money?

In this post, we’ll share with you everything you need to know about Facebook Ads to get your campaigns up and running as well as all we’ve learned from our own experiences.

Let’s jump right in…

How to Set Up a Facebook Ads Campaign

Step 1: Set some goals for your Facebook Ads

Before you jump in and create any adverts, it’s important to first think about why you’re advertising and what you’re aiming to achieve. By setting yourself a few goals ahead of going live with ads, you also have something to measure your success against.

For example, if you’re looking to increase downloads of your mobile app through Facebook Ads, you could set a goal of 100 downloads in the first month. This will also help you when it comes to choosing the correct objective for your Facebook Ads campaign in Step 3 below. Some more example goals could be:

    Increase traffic to my website from Facebook
    Increase attendance at my event
    Generate new leads
    Increase the reach of our content on Facebook
    Boost engagement for our Facebook Page

Step 2. Head over to Facebook Ads Manager

All of Facebook’s ad campaigns run through the Facebook Ads Manager tool, which you can access via a direct link at, or by clicking “Manage Ads” in the drop-down menu on your Facebook account, or by clicking any of the CTAs on your Facebook page.

Once you’re into the Ads manager, you can navigate with the menu on the left-hand side of the page. To get started with your first ad, click the green button in the top-right corner of the page.

Step 3. Choose your objective

When you click to create a Facebook Ad, you’ll go to a page where you choose the objective for your campaign. There are 15 options here for what you might want to achieve:

With Facebook, you have many different ways of approaching an ad campaign. These ways can typically fall within three categories of benefits:

Objectives that generate interest in your product or service:

    Boost your posts
    Promote your page
    Reach people near your business
    Increase Brand Awareness
    Increase your reach

Top tip: For small budgets, you’re likely to get the most bang for your buck with the awareness ad types. Moz found that $1 per day can grow your audience by 4,000 people (this didn’t quite match our experience, though it’s well worth trying).

Objectives that get people to start thinking about your business and look for more information about it:

    Send people to a destination on or off Facebook
    Get installs of your app
    Raise attendance at your event
    Get video views
    Collect leads for your business


Objectives that encourage people interested in your business to purchase or use your product or service:

    Increase conversions on your website
    Increase engagement in your app
    Get people to claim your offer
    Promote a product or catalogue
    Get people to visit your shops

Once you’ve selected your marketing objective, you’ll then be asked to name your campaign:

Step 4: Define your audience and budget 
Customizing your target audience

This step is extremely crucial for the success of your Facebook Ads campaigns. The audience for your ad can be customized based on all the following demographics:

    Location, starting with a country, state, city, zip code, or address, and refining even further with a mile radius
    Interests – Facebook looks at a person’s interests, activity, the Pages they like, and closely related topics

    Behaviors – Things like purchase behavior and intent, as well as device usage
    Connections – Choose to show the ad to all people, just those connected to Buffer, or those not connected to Buffer

In addition, with the Connections setting, you can choose advanced targeting, which lets you include or exclude people who are connected to certain pages, apps, or events. You can also further customize your targeting using custom audiences to retarget people who have already interacted with your business.

Example: Choosing an audience for a Buffer ad

Facebook recommends narrowing your reach in a targeted way in order to maximize the impact of your ad. We went quite narrow with this experiment, choosing the following audience demographics:

    Location: United States
    Interests: Social media
    Excluded: People who already like Buffer
    Age: 18-65+
    Language: English (US)

This gave us an estimated reach of up to 3,200 people out of 14 million. The 3,200 people are how many we could expect to be online any given day and potentially see our ad.

Setting your budget

Once you’ve selected your target audience, you next need to choose how much you’d like to spend on your ad. When you set a budget, it’s important to remember that this figure represents the maximum amount of money you want to spend. You can also set your budget to Daily or Lifetime:

    Daily: A daily budget is the average that you’ll spend every day.
    Lifetime: A lifetime budget is the maximum that you’ll spend during the lifetime of your advert set.

Step 5: Create your advert

This is where it gets really fun! It’s now time to choose the images (or video), headline, body text, and where your ad will be displayed on Facebook. For the text, you get 90 characters to share a quick message that will appear above your image(s) or video.

There are two ways to create adverts: Using an existing post or creating a new advert. Here’s a quick look at both options.
Using an existing post

For certain types of adverts, such as boosting posts, you can create your ad using an existing post that’s already been shared on your Facebook Page. To do this, select the ‘Use Existing Post’ option from the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard. From here, you can choose which Page you’d like to select a post from and pick an individual post from that Page to use as your advert:



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