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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The End of Mayan Calendar

The Mayan Long Calendar

You have probably heard about the famous Mayan Long Calendar that is set to end its final baktun (cycle) on December 21st, 2012. This end has caused many to sit up and take notice because they are uncertain of what it signifies. The Mayan calendar 2012 deadline is one that has gripped the imagination of everyone from researchers of the Mayan culture. There are a plethora of clues, but putting the pieces together is something that can be quite difficult. This is another reason why there has been so much speculation about the event that will take place on that day. One theory that has been put forth is that this date signifies a rare alignment of the Milky Way galaxy that only occurs once every twenty five thousand years. Some researchers believe that this rare alignment is something that could cause a shift of the magnetic poles.

This is something that has happened before in the distant past, and if it were to happen now it could usher in great and dramatic changes for mankind. The problem is that if the magnetic poles shift it will essentially affect the geographic and weather patterns across the entire globe.

Another clue to the Mayan calendar predictions for 2012 is that there are also signs that this date will be significant in another celestial matter, the return of Planet X. This planet was originally referred to as Nibiru by the Sumerians, and according to their mythology was the home planet of a race of beings known as the Anunnaki that originally created humanity. Whether or not this is a realistic scenario, there is some scientific evidence of a planet that only orbits through our solar system once every three thousand six hundred years. If this planet were to collide with another planetary body or cause a massive disruption in our orbits, then this too could be dangerous for all of humanity.



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