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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stonehenge and the end of the world Mysteries

The Stonehenge

The Stonehenge Monument of America stands straight with an aura of mystery surrounding its five erect slabs. The gigantic structure created in 1980 comprises of five huge granite slabs each of which are 16 ft tall and weighs over twenty tons apiece. All the five slabs together support a grand capstone of 25,000 pound. A small glimpse at the structure reminds well of the ancient Stonehenge Monument located in England but the American one comes with a different significance. The rocky structure is located in Georgia and thus is also termed as “Georgia Guidestones”. The rocks have several directives or guidelines carved in 8 different languages. It’s the common belief that the Stonehenge monument is waiting for the world to end and the guidelines here are actually given to instruct the survivors of humanity on rebuilding a civilization.

The guidelines on the Stonehenge Monument signifies that an apocalypse is impending soon which would be followed by the Age of Reason. The instructions thus chiefly focus on reconstructing the future social order based on love and humanity. They emphasize on a profound respect for beauty, love, integrity with an approach to establish harmony with Infinite. Another guideline highlights a social order constructed on “just courts” and “fair laws” where all the nations would rule internally and the external disputes would be resolved by all countries together in the “World Court”. The new civilization would further have the human beings working with a perfect balance in between their rights and social duties. Besides, the guidelines also direct to preserve the natural resources eliminating cancer threats from the world.

There are many such guidelines that is said to be needed to channelize the human race in the predicted new Age of Reason which is said to usher with the end of the world. The Georgia Guidelines are laid down in 10 different dialects such as Spanish, English Russian, Chinese, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Swahili, Egyptian Hieroglyphic, Classical Greek and Babylonian Cuneiform.

As told earlier, the 1980 Stonehenge Monument in Georgia is enshrouded in mystery. Nobody precisely has the knowledge as who was the one exactly to commission for the Georgia Guidelines and why. The sole hints for its genesis are found to be on a close by plaque on ground that features dimensions corresponding to movements of stars and the sun.

But whoever its architects were, it seemed that they were aware of the purpose of Stonehenge Monument in Georgia. The monument was directed to build as a structure that would track the Sun flawlessly. History says, that the entire thing began in 1979 June when a grey haired elegantly decked up gentleman appeared in the official chamber of the esteemed Elberton Granite Finishing. He gave his introduction as somebody called Robert C. Christian and claimed himself to be the representative of a little group of faithful Americans who are planning for the construction of a grand as well as a very complex stone structure. He further said that he chose Elberton since he believed it to be finest producers of stone structures and since his proposed construction is about to carry a huge significance, he cannot thrust the immense responsibility on anybody other than Elberton.

When Fendley, the President of Elberton Granite, asked Christian the reason behind such an unusual construction, Christian replied that his proposed structure would work as a clock, calendar and compass. But most importantly the huge granite structure would actually be the place of certain guidelines in all the major languages of the world that would actually help the mankind in building a new and efficient world order based on reasons and rational. He further emphasized that the new world system would be evolving after the present world would come to its end. Thus, Christian’s directions were to build up a truly durable structure that would be stable enough to stand against any catastrophe so that the shattered and devastated remnants of the humanity would get their guide intact in reestablishing a proper and better civilization compared to the one which is on the verge of its own destruction.

It’s said that Fendley tried to discourage Christian in many ways citing an unusually high cost and many other factors. But nothing seemed to deter Christian and agreed to every exorbitant criterion Fendley put forward for the project. Finally Fendley was compelled to take his uncanny client to Wyatt Martin, the President from Granite City Bank as
Christian asked for a credible banker in the town. Martin was taken aback on his first meet with Christian as the latter disclosed his name to be a mere pseudo interpretation yet the Bank President was also impressed with Christian’s presence as he showed in a neat expensive suit.

stone-henge rocksHe was well spoken too and seemed to be well educated and hence Martin could not stop himself in giving his consent on the terms and conditions of Christian, even though they were extraordinary. Later on Martin and Christian almost became pals but Christian was still firmly secretive about his whole identity and even sent cash from various banks so that no body could trace them. Martin didn’t make any further attempt to know about Christian’s group since on their first meeting only Christian made it clear that he wished the curiosity to stay “enshrouded” in the great “sunny stillness”.

However, not everybody seems to be comfortable with the particular notion of apocalypse leading to the termination of world that is predicted to give rise to a new world system. The opponents smeared the Georgia Guidelines with spray-printed slogans shouting “Death to new world” and other such protesting graffiti. However, these slogans were not the 1st attack on the Georgia Guidelines. For decades, the uncanny structure erected at the center of Bible belt zone has been found to generate responses involving both horror and disbelief.

However, the Georgia Guidelines had its group of supporters too and that included many popular celebrities such as Yoko Ono. The unholy assumptions since the American Stonehenge construction could not stop followers from visiting the place and Ono even contributed one of her tracks “Georgia Stone” chanting the guidelines of the Georgia Guidelines.



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